Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning Blog: Storyboard

In the last two classes our group has been working on story boarding. Story boarding is one of the most fun things in the filming process. We all worked together and got our ideas down and drew them as good as we could. While we were story boarding, we thought about all the camera angles we were going to use, like for example we will use an aerial shot using Camilo's drone. Story boarding helped our group to organize the ideas we had in our minds and improve them while we were drawing them down. This will help us a lot when we will be filming because it will keep us on the right track as we will just be following the things we drew on the story board papers. Lastly I think that working on this part all together made us come together as a group and build more chemistry in between us, which is very important because it will help to keep a professional and a cooperative mood in the group.

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