Common Sound
Diegetic sound : One example of diegetic sound would be the young boy moaning when he wakes up
Non diegetic: An example of this is while showing the opening credits, each time a new credit would come on a tapping noise would be made that was implemented into the movie after the filming. Another example of non diegetic sound is the young boy talking telling the story of his birth to the auidense.
Diaglouge: An example of dialouge is the young boy telling his mother it is his birthday and he is five.
Camera angles
POV: the boys mother is eating and talking to the boy about his birthday and to show she is talking to him they use a POV.
TWO shot: An exaple of a two shot in the film is when the child and the mother are getting ready and they are both stretching on the floor.
Close up is used in the film while the mother is talking to the man who captured her.
Camera movements
Tracking shot: the young boys mother is creating an activity for the boy and he is running in the room. The camera follows him as he runs
High angle: there is a high angle in the film when the young boy and his mother are baking him a cake
Pan: A pan is used while showing the mother and the son in the hospital.
Low key lighting: low key lighting is used when the young boy is in the closet it is dark and the light is contrasted.
Natural light is also used in this film because of the skylight from the room. This shows that the skylight is the outside and the room is the inside.
High key lighting is used in this film when they mother and the boy are in the hospital. There are bright lights because of the windows and the doctors.
There is little to no make up used in this film other than a couple of instances. One would be when the mom is getting ready for an interview to tell her story. A makeup artist puts on what you would call street makeup, light amounts of lipstick and concealer.
the setting is established and stays the same for a large majority of the film. The setting is a small room consisting of a small kitchen, bath and a small bed. In the beging of the film you know nothing about where the characters actually are. It is until the beginning of the film where you learn they are in Akron, Ohio
For most of the film the main actors is a young boy named Jack and a mother named Joy. Later on the auidence meets Joys family and some other characters such as doctors and journalists.
Diegetic sound : One example of diegetic sound would be the young boy moaning when he wakes up
Non diegetic: An example of this is while showing the opening credits, each time a new credit would come on a tapping noise would be made that was implemented into the movie after the filming. Another example of non diegetic sound is the young boy talking telling the story of his birth to the auidense.
Diaglouge: An example of dialouge is the young boy telling his mother it is his birthday and he is five.
One prop that is significant is the rug that is used to transfer the boy out of the room. The reason this is important because this prop shifts the whole film from being in a small room and being captured. Into being in the reals world free.
A common sound used in the film is the toy truck Jack got for his birthday. This makes a mechanical sort of sound. It is significant because it is the thing that his capturer him for his fifth birthday.
Common editing in the film is a cut. This is the most used edit in the film. The reason it is used so often is to build suspense.
Elements of the genre that I like: I like the story’s of genres. They are very intriguing and keep people interested. Sometimes dramas have lessons within the film.
Some elements of the genre that I don’t like is the film can be a little to suspenseful. In some ways this is good but for many people they may not like it and it could be considered scary.
Elements of the genre include the plot and the dialogue Wich is expressed very well in this film. The plot is intriguing and keeps the audience wondering what’s next. The dialogue expresses what is truly happening in the film.